•COMPUTER WORK STATION: You are responsible to leave your computer work station in proper order. Log off, turn off your monitor, put all materials, papers, books away and push your chair in when you leave. If you come into the class and the work station is out of order, inform me at the beginning of the period.
•STUDENT KITS AND PERSONAL PROPERTY: Students are responsible for their own kits and personal property. Please bring in a lock for your kit and keep all personal property in your locker. All books must be removed from the stations after class. NO PERSONAL PROPERTY WILL BE LEFT ON DESKS,STATIONS OR ANY PLACE THAT IS NOT SECURE. All kits are to be placed on shelves at the end of the class.
•TEACHER’S WORK STATION: It is school policy that students are not permitted on the teacher’s work station at any time. If you want to see your grades I will show them to you privately.
•FOOD AND DRINK: There is to be NO food and/ or drink in the classroom.
•COATS, BOOK BAGS, LUNCHES: Overcoats are to be kept in your lockers with your lunches and book bags during class. Only have the test book at your computer work station. NO CELL PHONES AT ANY TIME ANY PHONE WILL BE TAKEN AND PARENTS WILL BE NOTIFIED. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!
•SUPPLIES: Each student will need a three ring binder with paper. Notebooks are essential to your grade.
•GENERAL CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT: Please be sure to be careful with the equipment in the classroom. The equipment is very expensive and you will be held responsible if you damage anything. If a mouse or keyboard is damages it will take a long time to have it repaired or replaced. We use the computer room and you will be held responsible if your computer is damaged. This is your classroom and you should take pride in it.
•Students that are sitting and not working will have points taken from the daily participation grade. A rubric will be used to grade daily participation.
•Students will be given a warning. If certain behaviors persist I will call parents. If behavior continues the Principal will be notified.
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